Wednesday, 10 July 2024

How to make portfolio web site free using ChatGPT + CodePen easily

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Create a mobile responsibe web page with the following 6 tabs namely About me, Academic, Administrative, Research, Identities, establishments. Give html, css, javascript to build the website000

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In ABout Me Tab, add in Table "Name RM. CHANDRASEKARAN Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 24/01/1960 Age (as on 04.03.2022, mm/yy) 02 Months/ 62 Years Place of birth KARAIKUDI Nationality INDIAN Category OC Mother tongue TAMIL Address for Correspondence 2/111, Ramu Illam, Murali’s Park Avenue II street, C. Kothankudi, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram 608002 Permanent Address As Above Phone / Mobile No 9790215636 Email ID,"

In "About Me" tab add one more row for "Profile photo" with link "" alt="Profile Photo" class="profile-photo"

In "academic" tab, add table with 4 rows 5 columns with headers "Degree" , "University", "year", "Major Subject", "Grades". Pack row details with "1 Ph.D. Annamalai 2006 CSE Commented 2 M.E. Anna/CEG 1998 CSE First Class with Distinction 3 M.B.A. Annamalai 1995 Systems First Class 4 B.E. TCE, Madurai 1982 EEE First Class" In Research Tab, add a table with Headers "S.No. Name of Candidate Topic of Doctoral Research Year" and data as " 1 Dr. M. Govindarajan Classifier Based Text Mining Approaches for Data Mining Applications. 2010 2 Dr. S. Audithan Document Image Segmentation based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Haralick Statistical Features. 2011 3 Dr. S. Vijaybhanu Performance of VoIP over IEEE 802.11 WLAN: Analysis and Enhancement. 2012 4 Dr. TK. Thivakaran Machine Vision Based Surface Roughness Analysis Using Wavelet Transforms With Neural Network Approach. 2013 5 Dr. A. Valarmathi A congestion-aware multi-path dynamic source routing protocol with QOS for mobile ad hoc network. 2013 6 Dr. V.R. Sarma Dhulipala Selective conceptual approaches in frameworks and Algorithms for fault tolerance and trustworthiness for reliable communication in wireless sensor networks. 2013 7 Dr. V. Kalaichelvi Secured Electronic Voting Systems” proposes conceptual frameworks and algorithms. 2014 8 Dr. A. Boomarani @Malany Quality of Service based Mobile Ad Hoc Network Framework for Reliable Communication. 2015 9 Dr. T. Sakthivel Node Misbehavior Analysis, Detection and mitigation techniques on ADHOC Wireless Networks. 2015 10 Dr. A. Shanthini A Study on Software Testing metrics for Fault prediction using Machine Learning. 2015 11 Mrs. N. Suguna A study on Program Slicing Techniques for Testing and Fault Localization (20.9.2014) 2015 12 Mr. S. Saravanan Simple Secured and Adaptive (SSA) Approaches for Network Intruder Detection over MANET. (March,2015) 2015 13 Mrs. N. Ponnammal Data Mining Techniques for Cancer Detection 2015 14 Mrs. Kavitha (Mother Therasa University, Kodaikanal) Data Mining Approaches for various Diseases 2015 15 Mrs. G. Vinothini Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Classifiers in Sentiment Mining 2015 16 Mr. P. Anbalagan GIS Related Mining for Land Sliding Prediction 2016 17 Mrs. P. Dhanalakshmi Optimized Shortest Path Routing Using Soft Computing Techniques 2016 18 Mr. R. Suban Intelligent Framework for Customer Retention of MCDR using DM Approaches 2016 19 Mrs. Sri Deivanai Nagarajan Study on Data Mining Approaches for Health Care Systems : Gestational Diabetes 2017 20 Mr. Udyakumar Pandian Studies on data preprocessing for DACC Aspects 2017 21 Mrs. S. Artheeswari A Data Mining Approach in Cloud For Secure, Scalable and Efficient Retrieval of Data 2018" 

Add Identities tab for thye table with two colums with headers "source" "link" with the following data " Vidwan Scopus Scholar ORCiD"

Give me splash screen code only for this web page with following message " Welcome to RMC's Quick & Smart Learning Sessions"

Give me code only for adding Administrtive tab in a table in the with headers " S. No. Position Organisation / University Duration Experience (in years & months)" and data as "1 Head of the Institute/ University Founder Registrar, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli 08/05/2007 - 07/05/2010 3 years 2 Head of the Division (Dean, etc.,) Director, Directorate of Distance Education 07/11/2013 - 07/01/2016 2 years & 2 months 3 Head of Department Controller of Examination, Annamalai 08/01/2016 - 20/02/2019 3 years & 1 month 4 Head of Centres Founder Director, Annamalai Innovation Centre 01/04/2013 - 01/07/2014 1 year & 3 months"

Add code for Establishment Tab in a table with the heders as " S. No. Title Sponsors Name Duration Amount of Grant (in Rupees) Role" and data as "1 Campus-Wide Network with 1064 Nodes MHRD, New Delhi 3 Years 2 crores Network Manager for Installation and Maintenance 2 Multimedia Centre MODROBS, AICTE 1 Year 20 lacs Establishment of CBT production infra with 40 Workstations 3 6-Academic Campuses of Anna University, Tiruchy in , Tirukkuvalai, Panruti, Raja Madam, Ramanathapuram, Dindigul and , Ariyalur Higher Education Department, TN Govt. 3 Years 3 crores Registrar for establishing and recruiting Teaching and Non-Teaching staff for 6 campuses "

Login thru gmail account

copy html, css, js in from chatgpt response to code pen html, css, js panels

Once done. In codepen, Name the project, export zip file

In browser, click index.html to see your web site similar to shown below

Great! you have donw with your portfolio with chatgPT and Codepen!!!


can you translat the web site contents in tamil

Copy index.html alone and replace the old with new one


you can see web page like this:

Great With ChatGPT, you can traslate the web page to different language with one prompt and generate code !!!! How Eeeeeasy!!!

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