Monday 21 November 2022

Angular 3 Structural Directives(+/- components in HTML View)

EX 5 : 

*ngFor Directive

Create a new Angular Application in Visual Studio IDE Terminal

ng new EX5

Open folder EX5 and open src\app\app.component.html    file and add the following contents and save.

<div *ngFor = "let i of [1,3,5,7,9,11,12,14,15]">
  <li>No is : {{i}}<br></li>


ng serve in Terminal. 

Once you get compiled successfully message, 

  1. Open http://localhost:4200 in any browser to check the following o/p:  
  • No is : 1
  • No is : 3
  • No is : 5
  • No is : 7
  • No is : 9
  • No is : 11
  • No is : 12
  • No is : 14
  • No is : 15   
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    EX 6 

    *ngIf Directive

    Open file src\app\app.component.ts file and add the displayButton object as shown below:

    export class AppComponent {
        displayButton: boolean = true;

    Open  src\app\app.component.html    file and add the following contents and save.

      <div *ngIf="displayButton">
         Message will disappear  when you click this button
            <button class="btn btn-sucess" (click)="showHide();">Click Me to Hide</button>


    ng serve in Terminal. 

    Once you get compiled successfully message, Open http://localhost:4200 in any browser to check the following o/p initially:  

    Message will disappear when you click the button. with Click me to Hide Button. Once you click the button the browser screen will be blank.


    EX 7

    ngStyle Directive

    Open  src\app\app.component.html    file and add the following contents and save.

    <!-- //ngSTyle : changes the look and Behaviour of Web Page -->
    <div *ngFor = "let i of [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]">
        <div *ngIf = "(i%2 != 0)" [ngStyle]="{'background-color':'green'}">
        <div *ngIf = "(i%2 === 0)" [ngStyle]="{'background-color':'red'}">

    run by ng serve in Terminal. 

    Once you get compiled successfully message, Open http://localhost:4200 in any browser to check the following o/p:  

    You will get screen like this



    Open file src\app\app.component.ts file and add the displayButton object as shown below:

    export class AppComponent {
        textPipe = 'lower case to be converted to uppercase';

    Open  src\app\app.component.html    file and add the following contents and save.

      Original Text:&nbsp;{{textPipe}}<br>
      To lowercase :<span style="color:'green'">&nbsp;{{textPipe |  lowercase}}</span>---> all Lowerase<br>
      To uppercase :<span style="color:'blue'">&nbsp;{{textPipe |  uppercase}}</span>---> all uppercase<br>
      Slicing:<span style="color:'red'">{{textPipe | slice:0:5}}</span>--->First 5 charecters of the original text<br>

    run ng serve in Terminal. 

    Once you get compiled successfully message, Open http://localhost:4200 in any browser to check the following o/p initially:  

    In browser:

            Original Text: First Pipe
            To lowercase : first pipe---> all Lowerase
            To uppercase : FIRST PIPE---> all uppercase
            Slicing:First--->First 5 charecters of the original text

    Happy Learning Angular! ☺☺☺

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