Tuesday, 17 May 2022

DS#10 Visualization Basics

Data Visualization

Three basic principles (3s)

    Standard, Simple & Scalable.

The main goal of data visualization is to make it easier to identify patterns, trends and outliers in large data sets. The term is often used interchangeably with others, including information graphics, information visualization and statistical graphics

1. Data visualizations should be used to empower a specific audience and address their needs - actionable and meaningful content.

2. Choose the right visual for your purpose - [Read]

3. Provide Context: Context engenders trust, which leads to action

4. Keep visualizations and dashboards simple and digestible

5. Design to keep users engaged 

Ref : 

Tables are used where users need to see the pattern of a specific parameter, while charts are used to show patterns or relationships in the data for one or more parameters

AIDA Formula of Persuasive viewing:

  • Attention − Hook the reader with an attention-grabbing sentence.

  • Interest − Create interest by mentioning benefits of what the reader likes.

  • Desire − Use middle paragraphs to prompt the reader towards action.

  • Action − Actions the reader is needed to take to get what he desires.

Ref :

Chart types Tutorials

Visualization Project Ideas

Data Visualization - A typical Reader 

Mis-Leading Graphs

Simple Excel add-ins for Viz (Please try@Home Just for fun Learning)

Data Visualizer in Excel (Beyond Syllabus @ Home Just for Use)

Visualizing Guru Hans Rosling  -Just to Have a Glance

Bill Gates Recommended this Book 

GapMinder  Slides : Videos:

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