Monday, 17 April 2023

VOC - Voice of Customer Training Basics

VOC techniques

Customer is God, Customer comes first, Always Right, All about Customers,

VOC : Market Reseacrch Term that describes customer feedback

Voice of Customer used in Business : in-depth process to capture customers expectation, preferences,  dislikes.

Produces detailed set of customer wants and needs

Used at the start of new product, process or service design initiative

Focus groups, surveys, individual interviews, others etc.


Customer ?

is a person in and organization i/p to o/p.

is a person order/work for the success of your employees.

Customers can be grouped in to segments.

Internal and external by demographics

internal : directly connect to the organization, stack holders, share holders or employees, creditors 

external - not directly connected to the organization.

Significance of internal customer: Critical Role player/ Service Producer

Significance of external customer: responsible for success /survival of an enterprise. refer your business, repeat orders.

Consumer segments customers by AGe: eg Washing m/c target the home makers, play station targets for younger gen,

Segmentation By profession, By location, By Gender, By Lang, By age, BY climate etc.

Language and Local Practices are part of Segmentation.

Kellogs eg. Corn Flakes in India. Failure. Comparing the practices of India and American.

Consumer in US, consume flakjes with cold milk allows flakes to crispy.

In India, Heat milk before consumption, flakes turn soggy before consumption. Add sugar to milk. Sweet Breakfast, which does not go well in India.

Construct a list of customers within each segment. All customers (or atleast their concerns) must be represented.

Customer is God. With out u/s the customers needs, organization can not exist.

Advantages of VOC Analytics:

+To steal market share of competitor

+To generate new product and service ideas.

+To refine marketing language and campaigns to reflects consumer language and perception

Here are a few general questions you can ask:

  • Why aren't customers returning?
  • How can we market our products more effectively?
  • What other product categories are our customers looking for?
  • Why is the average order volume (AOV) dropping month over month?

These types of questions can lead to even more specific questions that can help you reach the root of the issue.

Have VOC Strategy

Collect Data by surveys, interviews & Focus Groups, Live chat, email, fb Forms. Analyze and  draw conclusions.

Listen to your customers.

Make more customer centric: Vision and clarity, Strong Leadership, Complete alignment with top, middle and bottom teams of management, 

Customer satisfaction nd experience are pinnacles of a successful business.

Analysis depends upon the types of product, type of dat a we collect.

Quantitative analysis like avg, max, min.

Qualitative requires a complex approach to ensure properly synthesize and summarize data we collect.


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