Saturday 30 September 2023

Prompt Engineering {Art of Prompting }

 Art of Prompting


To use ChatGPT

                Step 1: Visit ChatGPT on

To use Bard

                Step 1: Visit Bard on


Prompt Analogy:

Assign a role

                I am a Senior Professor

Define the task

                Give me a weekly routine to Teach Machine Learning skills, especially for research students

Set Constraints

                Include uncommon advice an underrated machine learning resources

Define the goal

                I want to make a student expert in machine learning model building. What resources I must provide to my student.


Prompting resources: AI Prompt Library - Content at Scale SaaS Prompts - 500+ ChatGPT Prompts for SaaS  Learn Prompting: Your Guide to Communicating with AI Share & Find Top Rated ChatGPT Prompts | Datafitai PromptBase | Prompt Marketplace: Midjourney, ChatGPT, DALL·E, Stable Diffusion & more.


Web sites:  Futurepedia - The Largest AI Tools Directory | Home  There's An AI For That - The Biggest AI Aggregator (

Google  Prompt Engineering for Generative AI  |  Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers

 Roboflow : Prompt Engineering: The Magic Words to using OpenAI's CLIP (

Prompting GuIDE Prompt Engineering Guide | Prompt Engineering Guide ( [good]

GitHub - dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide: ЁЯРЩ Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering   ;}Serious?

You tube videos - Edureka .. Advanced

From God of Prompt

Prompt Engineering is the practice of crafting effective queries or commands to interact with AI models. It's a crucial aspect of maximizing the utility and accuracy of AI responses.

Prompt Engineering serves as the interface between human users and AI models. A well-crafted prompt can lead to more accurate and useful responses, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

Prompt Engineering involves creating structured queries that guide the AI model in generating a specific type of response. These queries can range from simple, open-ended questions to complex, multi-layered instructions.

What are the Different Tiers of Prompt Engineering?

Prompt Engineering can be categorized into various tiers based on their complexity and objectives. These range from basic prompts that require minimal interpretation from the AI to advanced prompts that involve complex problem-solving

What is the Role of Latency and Emergence in Prompt Engineering?

Latency refers to the embedded knowledge within the AI, while emergence describes the evolving capabilities of AI models. Both play a crucial role in the effectiveness of Prompt Engineering.

How Can I Master Prompt Engineering?

Getting started with Prompt Engineering involves understanding the capabilities and limitations of the AI model you are interacting with. From there, you can begin crafting prompts that are tailored to your specific needs.

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