Happy open and Distance Learning!

Blog is made to clear doubts for my students in the regular classes. Hope it will be useful for any one who is interested in these topics.

Most Useful Research Tools for Ph.D. Students

  1. P#01 Fundas
  2. P#02 If .. else.. [Alliance]
  3. P#03 Collections
  4. P#04 Comprehension
  5. P#05 File Operations
  6. P#06 Yield
  7. P#07 Class
  8. Machine Learning [2000 Sqft ☺ Cost]
  9. P#08 Dictionary
  10. 👓 Revisit
  11. Data Story Telling [பாட்டி வடை சுட்ட கதை!]
  12. P#09 Data Cleaning
  13. P#10 Married..ok .R U compatible?!
  14. P#11 Multi Processing
  15. P#12 Sets
  16. P#13 Strings
  17. P#14 Lambda+
  18. P#01.1 Operators
  19. P#15 MatplotLib..
  20. P#16 BAR , PIE, HISTO, LINE Plots
  21. P#17.Talking Tom
  22. P#18 EDA Fundamentals
  23. P#20 Slicing
  24. P#19 Duplicates ?
  25. P#21 3D Print
  26. P#22 Wifi Password
  27. P#23 Jokes Apart in Python
  28. P#24 Dataframe loc() and iloc() Methods
  29. P#25 set/reset index in Data Frames
  30. P#26 DATE TIME
  31. P#27 NLTK
  32. 0.0. Python Eco System
  33. P#28 Plots Distribuition
  34. Scientific python Basics
  35. Inspiring Projects
  36. Lab Practice Notes
  37. P#30 Hardware Internals
  38. P#31 Magic Methods
  39. P#32 Regular Expression
  40. Python + WhatsAPP
  41. Python with Stock Exchange
  42. Pointers for easy Python Learning
  1. KIVY Hands ON
  1. Pandas#01
  2. Pandas#02
  3. Pandas#03
  4. P#02. Fundas
  5. Pandas #04
  6. Pandas #05 Pivot Table & Cross Tab
  7. Data Analysis with Pandas using Sketch (A code Assist)COde assit
  8. Data Analysis and Visualization
    Data Science I MBA DS Syllabus
  1. DS - ETHICS
  2. #1 Slide Shows - DS Intro
  3. #000 Read This for Intro to Data Analysis
  4. DS #01 Data Science Intro
  5. DS#03 DSAT
  6. DS#04 Data Types
  7. DS#05 Cross word-1
  8. DS#06 Python Components for DS
  9. DS#07 EDA Notes
  10. Lab Best Practice for MBA DS
  11. DS#8 Feature Generation
  12. DS#09 Feature selection
  13. DS#10 Visualization
  14. DS#11 Distribuition visualization with Python numpy and seaborn
  15. List of Experiments for DS
  16. Differences
  1. Angular #1
  2. Angular #2 Data Binding
  3. Angular 3- Structural Directives
  4. Angular #4 Routing Demo
  5. Angular 5 with JSON file
  6. Angular #6 ngClass
  7. Angular #7 Service
  8. Angular #8 Form Handling
  9. Ionic Angular #1
  1. JVM Basics #J001
  2. JVM - Garbage Collection - GC#001
  3. JVM - Garbage Collection GC #002
  4. Java Garbage Collection to a File GC#003
  5. yCrash - Intro video using ChatGPT + [erratic!]
    Machine Learning
  1. ML #1 Simple ML using Linear regression Model
    Others - Doubts from Students
  1. Case Study : Recommendation System
  2. Level up Your Skills with AI ChatGPT
  3. NetWorth Tutorials - Command Must Know
  4. ABC of VOC
  6. Chrome EXtension : Simple Simple So ..Simple
  7. Pointers for easy Python Learning
  8. ChatGPT to PPT [MinIO]
  9. Bing Chat (New Experience for a Teacher)
  10. Power . [Video Behind Text]
  11. APM Pointers
  12. Using Bard: Google AI
  13. Prompt Engineering - Pointers
  14. Excel shortcuts
  15. EX! Web Scrapping - Create Staff Directory from Web
  16. How to Get on the First Page of Google -Free
  17. HTML Tags for SEO
  1. Best YT for Python
  2. YT Channels
  3. V#1 Moodle LMS Learning Videos For Teachers
  4. V#2 Python Basic Videos for Students
    1. Python : W.Y.S-W.Y.U Videos

      (What You See What You Understand No Voice👪 )

      See and Do  Play List
      1. Baby program
      2. Keywords
      3. Statements
      4. Multiple Assignments and Comments
      5. Function and Doc String printing
      6. Input and Output
      7. Arithmetic Operators
      8. Relational, Logical & Bitwise Operators
      9. Identity & Membership Operators
      10. List basic operations
      11. List more Operations
      12. Set Operations
      13. Dictionary Operations
      14. Dictionary: by Comprehension, enumeration, Nested
      15. Lambda comprehension in Python
      16. Lambda with map and filter
      17. Scope of variables
      18. try except else finally 
      19. Easy ways to read on line data
      20. If conditional
      21. While loop
      22. for & nested for loop
      23. break Vs continue vs pass
      24. Date time  representation, comparison and arithmetic
      25. file operations
      26. file delete
      27. Class objects, methods and inheritance
      28. Array Handling made simple
      29. Pandas Nano  Course
  5. V#3 ChatGPT Videos Play List

New Arrivals 24 

For Candy Kids  
    1. Vowels :
    2. Moral Story :

Student Admission


 Python Quizzes

  1. Python Quiz #1[Basics] [25]
  2. Python Quiz #2 [Arrays, Data Types][25]
  3. Python Quiz #3 [List, Tuple, Set][25]
  4. Python Quiz #4 [Dictionary][25]
  5. Python Quiz #5 [Operators, Loops, Functions][25]
  6. Python Quiz #6 [Classes and Objects][40]
  7. Python Quiz #7 [NumPy][35]
  8. Python Quiz #8 [Pandas][25]
  9. Python Quiz #9 [Matplotlib]
  10. Python Quiz #10 [scikit-learn][25]
 HTML Quizzes
  1. HTML #01 [Basics][60]
 EXCEL Quizzes

    1. EXCEL Basics #1 [60]
    2. EXCEL Pivot MCQ #2[25]
    3. EXCEL Formatting MCQ #3[25]
    4. EXCEL Lookup+ MCQ #4[35
    5. EXCEL VBA MCQ #5
    Power BI
    Machine Learning

     Other Third Party Python Quiz Links

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