Wednesday 15 March 2023

React Tutorial Basics

 download node.js and install

check whether it is properly installed by 

node -v

C:\Users\rmcme>node -v


C:\Users\rmcme>npm create vite

y to proceed

select vite version 4.1

give project name : react-app

select framework: React 

select variant : typescript

C:\Users\rmcme>cd react-app

install vs code

cd react-app

npm i     ----to install

C:\Users\rmcme\react-app\code . to open vs code editor

In VS code Terminal, enter

npm run dev

you will  see similar to this URL: http://localhost:5173/

click the URL to see the webpage to check

Now create a file Meesage.tsx in src folder


/Pascal Casing

function Message() {

   // const name="RMC";
    if (name)
       return <h1>Hello {name} World</h1>;
    return <h1>Hello World</h1>;
export default Message;

Edit App.tsx file

replace with the following 

import Message from './Message';

function App() {
  return <div><Message></Message></div>

export default App;

You can check in the browser

In terminal window in VS code,

install Bootstrap 

npm i bootstrap@5.2.3

edit App.css

delete the contents and save

edit index.css

delete the contents and save

edit main.tsx


import './index.css'


import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'

Create a directory components under src

under components create a file ListGroup.tsx

add the following contents:

function ListGroup() {
    return <h1>ListGroup</h1>
export default ListGroup;

Edit App.tsx

replace the contents with 

import ListGroup from "./components/ListGroup";
function App() {

  return <div><ListGroup /></div>


Replace the contents.

//import {  } from "react";

function ListGroup() {
  // return <h1>ListGroup</h1>

  const items = [
    "New Delhi",

  return (
      <ul className="list-group">
        { => (
export default ListGroup;

Check in the Browser and inspect to check the clicked events

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