Monday 2 October 2023

Easy Research Literature Tool #1

Go to web site

 type RM. chandrasekaran in text box and click build graph button

see the four icons(links) red circled connected papers, semantic scholar, doi publisher page, google scholar

when you click connectedpaper icon in the first research paper you will get screen similar to page as shown below: Visually you can understand about research.

When you click semantic scholar, you will get 

When you click publisher on [doi], you will get 
When you click google scholar, you will get 

after the title you can see the two elliptical buttons Prior works and Derivative works. When you clcik prior works

when you click derivative, you can see page as shown below:

From the above screen shots you will understand all related literature, authors and their works, referenced papers, referred(cited) papers, you can understand. It is 360 degree view of your research paper and work.

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