Tuesday 18 June 2024

Research Methodology with ChatGPT-1

 Prompt1 :

Topic: Integration of electric cars in Indian villages

Act as a veteran researcher with extensive experience in deciding the steps to identify a high-impact research problem. Your task is to ask questions to me according to the steps specified. First, you must understand the research topic of my interest specified later. When I say start, you must suggest a few broad fields from that topic, and wait for my selection. When I select one of those broad fields, you must offer me sub-areas from my selection, when I select sub-area, provide me with many options so that I can select a research problem that is of interest to me. After me selecting the problem of my interest, you may suggest research questions. When I say ok, you will formulate the research objectives and ask for my confirmation.  Research topic of my interest: [Topic]. I am ready. You may start asking.

Prompt 2:

Act as a vetran researcher with experience in deciding the steps to identify a high impact research problem. Your task is to ask questions to me according the steps specified. First, you must understand research topic of my interest specified later. When i say start, you must suggest a few broad fields from the topic, and wait for my selection, when i select one of the broad fields, you must offer me sub-areas from my selection, when i select sub-area provide me with many options so that, i can select a research problem that is interest to me. AFter me selecting the problem of my interest, you may suggest research questions. When i say ok, you will formulate the research objectives and ask for my confirmation. If at any place i am not  satisfied, you will provide alternative options. Research topic of interest : [Hallucination mitigation in Large Language Models].  Example of step a sequence: Identify broad field or subject area of interest to me, Dissect the broad area in to sub-areas, select what is of most interst to me. Raise research questions, Formulate objectives, Assess my objectives,  double-check. [Hallucination metrics for mitigation]. I am ready. You may start asking.


Literature Survey

Act as an academic Research Expert. Conduct an extensive search for research papers on the specified [topic]. Ensure the papers are from reputable journals, conferences, or academic institutions. Your search should prioritize recent publications (within the last 5 years) but also include seminal works that may be older. Provide a comprehensive list of the findings, including the title of the paper, authors, publication date, abstract, and a link to access the full paper. For each paper, write a brief summary highlighting the main findings and their relevance to the [topic]. Ensure that all sources are properly cited in an organized manner.

Summarize Complex Paper:
Act as an academic research expert. Read and digest the content of the research paper titled [title]. Produce a concise and clear summary that encapsulates the main findings, methodology, results, and implications of the study. Ensure that the summary is written in a manner that is accessible to a general audience while retaining the core insights and nuances of the original paper. Include key terms and concepts, and provide any necessary context or background information. The summary should serve as a standalone piece that gives readers a comprehensive understanding of the paper's significance without needing to read the entire document.

Formulate Research Question:

Act as an academic research expert. For the given [topic], formulate a comprehensive research question that can guide a potential study. Ensure the question is clear, specific, and researchable. It should address a gap or need in the current body of knowledge, and have significance in its respective field. Consider potential variables, methodologies, and outcomes when crafting the question. Provide context for the research question, justifying its importance and relevance to current academic discussions and societal needs.

Research Methodologies

Act as an academic research expert. Your task is to suggest appropriate methodologies for researching [topic]. Provide a comprehensive list of both qualitative and quantitative research methods that are best suited for the subject matter. Justify each methodology's relevance and potential advantages, ensuring they align with the research objectives. Additionally, address any potential limitations or challenges of each method, and offer potential solutions or alternative approaches. Your suggestions should be rooted in academic literature, ensuring their validity and appropriateness for academic research.

Data Sources

Act as an academic research expert. Your task is to identify and compile a list of credible data sources related to [topic]. Ensure that the sources are reputable, recent, and relevant to the research objectives. Your list should include both primary and secondary data sources, such as academic journals, government databases, industry reports, surveys, and any other pertinent repositories. Provide a brief description for each source, highlighting its relevance and credibility. Additionally, make note of any access restrictions or subscription requirements for the sources. Aim to provide a comprehensive list that will serve as a strong foundation for the research on [topic].

Draft Research paper
Act as an academic research expert. Draft a comprehensive research paper outline on [topic]. The outline should be well-structured, starting with a compelling introduction that states the problem or question, the relevance of the topic, and the objectives of the research. It should then detail the main points and subpoints, incorporating relevant literature and methods of investigation. Ensure that the proposed research is sound, innovative, and contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field. Conclude the outline with expected results or implications, and a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. Ensure that all sources are credible and up-to-date. The final product should serve as a roadmap for drafting a full-fledged research paper.

Improve Readability
Act as an academic research expert and copywriter. Your task is to review and enhance the readability of the provided [piece of text] in a research paper. Ensure that the text is clear, concise, and free from jargon while maintaining its academic integrity. Focus on improving sentence structure, word choice, and coherence. Ensure that the revised text aligns with the overall narrative of the research paper and maintains a consistent tone. Also, cross-check with sources and references to make sure that the essence and authenticity of the original content remain intact.

Interpret reviewers feedback

Act as an academic research expert. Carefully analyze and interpret the [feedback] provided by the reviewer on the submitted research paper. Identify key concerns, constructive suggestions, and areas of improvement highlighted by the reviewer. Synthesize this feedback and create a comprehensive response plan detailing how each point will be addressed or refuted in the revised manuscript. Ensure that the plan is detailed, clear, and aligned with academic research standards.

Write Abstract

Act as an academic research expert. Draft an abstract for a research paper titled [title]. The abstract should succinctly summarize the main objectives, methodologies, key findings, and implications of the research. Ensure clarity, coherence, and conciseness while adhering to the specific guidelines and conventions of the academic field. The abstract should effectively communicate the significance of the research to both experts in the field and general readers, encouraging them to delve deeper into the paper.

Understand Ethical Considerations

Act as an academic research expert. Provide a comprehensive analysis of research paper on a [topic] and its ethical considerations. Identify any potential ethical concerns in the research methods, data collection, interpretation of results, or presentation. Compare the paper's methodology and ethics with standard academic guidelines and best practices. Provide recommendations on how to address any identified ethical issues or concerns. Your analysis should be thorough, well-reasoned, and presented in a clear and organized manner. Offer actionable advice on how the researchers can improve the ethical integrity of their work.

Promote your paper

Act as an academic research and marketing expert. Identify and recommend suitable sources and platforms to effectively promote a research paper titled [title]. Your recommendations should cater to the target audience of academics, scholars, and professionals within the paper's field. Evaluate both traditional and digital platforms, including but not limited to academic journals, conferences, scholarly databases, research networks, social media channels, and industry-specific websites. Ensure that your recommendations are backed by data on audience reach, engagement rates, and relevance to the paper's subject. Provide a brief strategy on how to approach and utilize each recommended source for maximum visibility and engagement.


Summarizing and Analysis:
"Summarize the main arguments in this article/abstract:"
"Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology:"
"Compare and contrast [theory A] and [theory B] in the context of [field]:"
"Identify the key findings and implications of this research paper:"
"Describe the theoretical framework of this study and how it relates to the findings:"

Research Questions and Gaps:
"List potential research questions related to [topic]:"
"Identify gaps in the literature on [topic]:"
"Generate a list of research hypotheses related to [topic]:"
"Identify potential areas for future research in the context of this article/abstract:"
"Suggest novel applications of [theory/concept] within [field]:"

Methodology and Techniques:
"What are the limitations of using [statistical method] in [research context]?"
"Create a recipe for the methods used in this [paper/thesis]"
"Suggest interdisciplinary approaches to [research question/problem]:"
"Explain how [qualitative/quantitative] research methods can be used to address [research question]:"
"Describe the advantages of using a mixed-methods approach for studying [topic]:"
"Recommend best practices for data collection and analysis in [field/research context]:"

Proofreading your Research Paper

“Proofread and edit my {Research Paper} for any grammatical, punctuation, repetitive words, and spelling errors. Please provide suggestions to improve the readability and flow of my research paper .”

Monday 15 April 2024

Assignment IV Questions





1.    What is correlation co-efficient?

2.    What do you mean by regression analysis?

3.    Define correlation coefficient.

4.    Where is regression analysis used? 


1.    Enumerate the various methods for determining Correlation.

2.    Write a note on Regression equation.

3.    List out properties of Correlation coefficient.

4.    How do you calibrate the multiple linear models?



a)    There are 2 stocks – A and B. Their share prices on days were as follows:

                Stock A (x): 45,50,53,58,60

                Stock B (y):   9, 8, 8, 7, 5

           Find out the Pearson correlation coefficient from the above data.

b)    Find the best values of a and b so that

(a)  Y = a + bX fits the data given below:

(b)  X: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(c)  Y: 14, 27, 40, 55, 68

2.    Given Data:

Hours Studied (X) :  2,  3, 4,  5,  6

Exam Score    (Y) : 65,70,75,80,85

Calculate the following:

a)    Mean of X and Y

b)    Deviations from mean for X, Y

c)    Product of deviations

d)    Sum of the products of Deviations

e)    Sum of Squares

f)     Square Roots of the Sum of Squares

g)    Correlation Coefficient (r)

h)     Confirm whether it is a perfect correlation or not?


a)    Obtain the equations of the regression lines using the method of least squares from the following data.

X: 22, 26, 29, 30, 31, 31 ,34, 35

Y: 20, 20, 21, 29, 27, 24, 27, 31

b)    Find the coefficient of correlation between X and Y. Also estimate the value of

i)     Y when X = 38 and

ii)    X when Y = 18


a)    What is the difference between simple and multiple regression?

b)    Evaluate the multiple regression equation for following dataset

            Y      X1      X2


140     60     22

155     62     25

159     67     24

179     70     20

192     71     15

200     72     14

212     75     14

215     78     11

Assignment III Questions



Part A

1.      What is the concept of bias in the estimation of parameters?

2.      What is MSE (mean square error)?

3.      What is the purpose of two way ANOVA test?

4.      What are ‘confidence intervals’?

5.      Define bias and precision.

6.      What do you mean by parameter?

7.      What is the purpose of one way ANOVA test?

8.      What is meant by sample size?


1.      Mention the various steps involved in testing of hypothesis.

2.      Mean of the population is 0.700, Mean of the sample is 0.742, Standard deviation of sample 0.040 and sample size is 10. Test the Null Hypothesis for population mean of 0.700.

3.      Briefly explain Completely Randomized Design.

4.      The standard deviation of the life time of a sample of 200 electric light bulbs was computed to be 100 hours. Find the 95% confidence limits for the standard deviation of such electric bulb lights.

5.      List down the properties of estimators with examples.

6.      Explain hypothesis testing concepts.

7.      State the uses of ANOVA test.

8.      List the merits and demerits of random design.


1.      The mean value of a random sample of 60 items was found to be 145, with a standard deviation of 40. Find the 95% confidence limits for the population mean. What size of the sample is required to estimate the population mean within 5 of its actual value with 95% or more confidence, using the sample mean?


a)      Give an example of estimators that are

                                                              i.      unbiased and efficient

                                                             ii.      unbiased and inefficient

                                                           iii.      biased and inefficient

b) In a sample of 5 measurements, the diameter of a sphere was recorded by a scientist as 6.33, 6.37, 6.36, 6.32 and 6.37 cms. Determine unbiased and efficient estimates of the true mean and the true variance.


a)      What is the procedure to conduct ANOVA test for two-way classification?

b)      How do you determine sample size using confidence intervals?

4.      A population consists of 5 numbers 2,3,6,8,11. Consider all possible samples of size 2 that can be drawn with replacement from this population. Find

a)      The mean of the population,

b)      the standard deviation of population,

c)      the mean of the sampling distribution of means and

d)      the standard deviation of the sampling distributions of means.

5.      A population consists of 5,10,14,18,13,24. Consider all possible samples of size two which can be drawn without replacement from the population. Find (a)Mean of the population, (b) Standard Deviation of the population, (c) Mean of the sampling distribution of Means and (d) Standard Deviation of sampling distribution of Means.


a)      Explain Method of Maximum Likelihood.

b)      State the properties of Maximum likelihood estimators.


a)      What are the two types of problems encountered in sampling theory?

b)      Experience has shown that 20% of a manufactured product is of top quality. In one day’s production of 400 articles, only 50 are of top quality. Show that either the production of the day chosen was not a representative sample or the hypothesis of 20% was wrong. Based on the day’s production, find also the 95% confidence limits for the percentage of top-quality product.

8.      What is One way and Two-way ANOVA? Give examples of usage of these in real life. Discuss the procedure to perform one-way, two-way ANOVA Tests.





Assignment II Questions




1.    Define Arithmetic mean of a grouped data.

2.    What are the four scales of data classification?

3.    What do you mean by histogram?

4.    Define percentile.

5.    What do you mean by Bernoulli distribution?

6.    Define Poisson distribution.

7.    What is a "random variable”?

8.    What is the use of Chi-square distribution?


1.    Two unbiased dice are thrown. Find the probability that both the dice show the same number.

2.    What are independent events? Illustrate with an example.

3.    A construction crew is investigating the daily wind speed (km/h) at a potential bridge construction site. The following data is collected for a two-week period:

10, 15, 12, 18, 20, 16, 14, 11, 13, 17, 22, 19, 21, 25.

Construct a frequency table or histogram to represent the wind speed data.

4.    What do you mean by conditional probability? In what way can a Civil Engineer use it?

5.    A fair coin is tossed 6 times. Find the probability of getting exactly 4 heads using Binomial distribution.

6.    A car hire firm has two cars which it hires out day by day. The no. of demands for a car on each day is distributed as Poisson distribution with mean 1.5. Calculate the proportion of days on which there is no demand.

7.    A non-destructive testing method is used to evaluate concrete cores drilled from a building foundation. The test result can either be a "pass" or "fail." If the probability of a single core passing the test is 0.8, what is the probability of encountering exactly 2 failures in a random sample of 5 cores tested? (Binomial Distribution)

8.    A city gets rain on average 2 days a week. What is the chance of exactly 3 rainy days in a week? (Use Poisson distribution)


1.    An urn contains 10 white and 3 black balls. Another urn contains 3 white and 5 black balls. Two balls are drawn at random from the first urn and placed in the second urn and then 1 ball is taken at random from the latter. What is the probability that it is a white ball?


a.    State Bayes Theorem.

b.    A bag contains 5 balls and it is not known how many of them are white. 2 balls are drawn at random from the bags and they are noted to be white. What is the chance all the balls in the bag are white?


a.    State Bernoulli’s theorem.

b.    If 10% of screws produced by automatic machine are defective,

find the probability that out of 20 screws selected at random, there are

i) exactly 2 defective

ii) utmost 3 defective

iii) atleast 2 defectives

iv) between 1 and 3 defectives (inclusive)  


List the Properties of Poisson Distribution.

The average number of phone calls per minute coming into a switch board between 2 PM and 4 PM is 2.5. Determine the probability that during one particular minute, there will be

i)             4 or fewer

ii)            more than 6 calls.   


a.    Find the median from the following:   57,58, 61,42,38,65,72,66

b.    The score of two cricketers A & B are given, find who is the better runner and consistent?

A        B

40      28

25      70

19      31

80      0

38      14

8        111

67      66

121     31

66      25

76      4


a.    Find the variance for the discrete data given below:                            

  i)      4,5,2,8,7                   ii)      6,7,10,1213,4,8,12

b.    Calculate the standard deviation of the following test data.                                 Test Scores: [22, 99, 102, 33, 57]


a.    If a coin is tossed 5 times, using Binomial distribution find the probability of:

i) Exactly 2 heads            ii) Atleast 4 heads.

b.    In a cafe, the customer arrives at a mean rate of 2 per minute. Find the probability of arrival of 5 customers in 1 minute using the Poisson distribution formula.

8.    Differentiate between the Binomial and Poisson distribution with examples.




Making Prompts for Profile Web Site

  Prompt: Can you create prompt to craft better draft in a given topic. Response: Sure! Could you please specify the topic for which you...