Sunday 14 April 2024

Assignment -II PART B - Guide to ANS

PART B    இனிய தமிழ் புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள்

  1. Probability of Same Numbers on Dice:

When rolling two unbiased dice, each die has 6 possibilities (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) resulting in 36 total outcomes (6 x 6). There are 6 favorable outcomes for getting the same number on both dice (1, 1), (2, 2), ..., (6, 6). Therefore, the probability is:

Favorable outcomes / Total outcomes = 6 / 36 = 1/6

  1. Independent Events:

Independent events are those where the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other event. In other words, knowing the result of one event doesn't change the probability of the other event happening.

Example: Flipping a coin and rolling a die are independent events. The outcome of heads or tails (coin) doesn't influence whether you roll a 1, 2, 3, etc. (die).

  1. Wind Speed Data:

Let’s start by constructing a frequency table for the given wind speed data:

First, we’ll organize the data into bins (ranges). Since the data is discrete, we’ll create bins that cover the possible wind speed values. Let’s choose a bin width of 5 km/h.

Bin RangeFrequency
10 - 144
15 - 195
20 - 244

Now, let’s create a histogram to visualize this frequency distribution. The x-axis will represent the wind speed bins, and the y-axis will show the frequency of occurrence. Here’s the histogram:


5 │ ▄
4 │ ▄ ▄
3 │ ▄ ▄
2 │ ▄ ▄
1 │ ▄ ▄
10 15 20 25
Wind Speed (km/h)

In the histogram:

  • The first bar represents wind speeds between 10 and 14 km/h (4 occurrences).
  • The second bar represents wind speeds between 15 and 19 km/h (5 occurrences).
  • The third bar represents wind speeds between 20 and 24 km/h (4 occurrences).

This histogram provides a visual representation of the wind speed distribution at the construction site over the two-week period. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask! 😊

  1. Conditional Probability:

Here's the formula for conditional probability and an explanation with a sample:


The conditional probability of event A occurring given that event B has already occurred is written as P(A|B). It can be calculated using the following formula:

P(A|B) = P(A∩B) / P(B)

  • P(A|B): The probability of event A happening, given that event B has already happened.
  • P(A∩B): The probability of both event A and event B occurring together (intersection of events).
  • P(B): The probability of event B happening.

Explanation with Sample:

Imagine you have a bag containing 5 red marbles and 3 blue marbles (total 8 marbles). You draw one marble without replacement (meaning you don't put it back in after drawing).

  • Event A: Drawing a red marble.
  • Event B: Drawing a marble that is not green (since there are no green marbles, this includes both red and blue).

Let's say you first draw a marble and it's not green (either red or blue). Now, you want to know the probability of the next marble you draw being red.

Here's how to use the formula:

  1. P(A∩B): After drawing the first marble (not green), there are only 7 marbles left (since you didn't put it back). There are still 5 red marbles remaining. So, the probability of drawing a red marble and a non-green marble (which has already happened) is P(A∩B) = 5/7.

  2. P(B): We know from the beginning that there are 8 total marbles and none are green, so P(B) = the probability of drawing a non-green marble = 8/8 (all marbles are not green).

  3. P(A|B): Now we can plug these values into the formula:

    P(A|B) = (5/7) / (8/8)

    Simplifying, P(A|B) = 5/7.

Therefore, given that you already drew a non-green marble (event B), the probability of the next marble being red (event A) is 5/7.

Key Points:

  • The order of events can matter for conditional probability. In this example, knowing you already drew a non-green marble affects the probability of the next draw being red.
  • The probability of event A can change depending on whether you know event B has already happened or not.
  • The value of P(B) must be greater than zero for the formula to be valid.

Civil Engineer Example:

Imagine testing soil strength (event A) at a construction site. A civil engineer might be interested in the conditional probability of encountering weak foundation (event B) given poor soil strength. This information helps assess potential risks and design appropriate foundation solutions. Knowing weak soil strength increases the probability of encountering a weak foundation compared to a scenario with strong soil.


Problem 5:

A fair coin is tossed 6 times. Find the probability of getting exactly 4 heads using Binomial distribution.


The Binomial distribution is a statistical method that calculates the probability of getting a specific number of successes in a series of independent trials, where each trial has only two possible outcomes (success or failure). In this case, tossing a fair coin once has two outcomes: heads (success) and tails (failure).

We can use the Binomial theorem to calculate the probability of getting exactly 4 heads in 6 coin tosses. Here's how:

Steps to solve using Binomial Distribution:

  1. Define the number of coin tosses (n) and number of heads (k):

    • n = 6 (number of coin tosses)
    • k = 4 (number of heads we're interested in)
  2. Probability of getting a head (p) in a fair coin toss:

    • p = 0.5 (assuming a fair coin)
  3. Apply the Binomial probability formula:

    • P(k heads) = (n! / (k! * (n-k)!)) * p^k * (1-p)^(n-k)
      • n! (factorial of n) = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... * 1
      • k! (factorial of k) = k * (k-1) * (k-2) * ... * 1
  4. Calculate the probability:

    • P(4 heads) = (6! / (4! * 2!)) * 0.5^4 * (1-0.5)^(6-4) = 15 * 0.0625 * 0.25 = 0.2344 (approximately)


The probability of getting exactly 4 heads in 6 coin tosses using the Binomial distribution is approximately 0.2344.


Saturday 13 April 2024

திருக்குறளும் இயந்திர கற்றலும் [Machine Learning]

 ML and Thirukkuarl - 2024 Perspective

Main concepts of Machine Learning:

1.  Supervised Learning : Training a model on labeled data, where each input is paired with a corresponding target output.

2.  Unsupervised Learning : Training a model on unlabeled data to learn patterns and structures without explicit supervision.

3.  Semi-Supervised Learning : Training a model on a combination of labeled and unlabeled data to improve performance.

4.  Reinforcement Learning : Training a model to make sequences of decisions by rewarding desired behavior and penalizing undesired behavior.

5.  Classification : Predicting categories or labels for new data points based on past observations.

6.  Regression : Predicting continuous outcomes or values based on input features.

7.  Clustering : Grouping similar data points together based on their characteristics or features.

8.  Dimensionality Reduction : Reducing the number of input variables or features in a dataset while retaining important information.

9.  Feature Engineering : Creating new features or transforming existing ones to improve model performance.

10.  Model Evaluation and Validation : Assessing the performance of a model using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.

11.  Cross-Validation : Splitting data into multiple subsets to train and test the model on different combinations of data.

12.  Bias-Variance Tradeoff : Balancing the complexity of a model to minimize both bias (underfitting) and variance (overfitting).

13.  Hyperparameter Tuning : Optimizing the parameters of a model to improve performance and generalization.

14.  Ensemble Learning : Combining multiple models to improve predictive performance, such as bagging, boosting, and stacking.

15.  Deep Learning : Training neural networks with multiple layers to automatically learn hierarchical representations of data.

16.  Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) : Deep learning models specifically designed for processing structured grid-like data, such as images.

17.  Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) : Deep learning models designed for sequential data processing, such as time series or natural language.

18.  Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) : Deep learning models consisting of two neural networks (generator and discriminator) trained adversarially to generate realistic data samples.

19.  Natural Language Processing (NLP) : Processing and analyzing human language data using machine learning techniques.

20.  Transfer Learning : Leveraging pre-trained models on similar tasks to improve performance on a new task with limited data.

Look below, it is amazing, Thiruvalluvar, immortal poet, he scribed before 2000 years itself. He explained this concepts. Let us see one by one.

Machine Learning Concepts Explained through Thirukkural😂😂😂😂

ML ConceptExplanation   Thirukkural Verse
begin with
Supervised LearningLearning from labeled data provided by an expert."கல்வி யார்க்கும் கழியாதார்..."Just as a disciple learns from a knowledgeable guru.
Unsupervised LearningLearning from unlabeled data through observation."கற்றதனால் ஆய பயனென்கொல்..."Similar to unsupervised learning, where knowledge gained through self-experience is invaluable.
Reinforcement LearningLearning from rewards and punishments."புறங்கொளி பூசியார் அறியார்..."Similar to individuals learning from rewards and punishments.
ClassificationCategorizing data into predefined classes."அறன்மேல் வாழாத உலகு"Like classification, where objects are categorized into different classes based on their attributes.
RegressionPredicting continuous outcomes based on input data."நெஞ்சுற்றல் நீர உழவு"Similar to regression, which predicts continuous outcomes.
ClusteringGrouping similar data points together."தொடர்ச்சி வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்பவன் மன்னன்..."Like clustering, where individuals with common traits are grouped together.
Dimensionality ReductionReducing the number of input variables."சிறப்பு தெரிந்து சிறப்பினை..."Similar to reducing the complexity of data in dimensionality reduction.
Feature EngineeringCreating new features or transforming existing ones."பிறவா ழைபூவா கண்ணும் அனையா..."Like feature engineering, which enhances the predictive power of models.
Model Evaluation and ValidationAssessing the performance of a model."செய்தவழி தீய அறியா..."Similar to evaluating models for performance.
Cross-ValidationSplitting data into subsets for testing and training."ஒற்றின் விழையென்று வேல்வீழும்..."Like cross-validation, which tests models on diverse subsets of data.
Bias-Variance TradeoffBalancing model complexity for optimal performance."அறனுடைய அளவும் உணர்வு..."Just as balancing righteousness and knowledge leads to harmony.
Hyperparameter TuningOptimizing parameters to improve model performance."அறத்துப்பால் அரண் மடியின்..."Similar to fine-tuning hyperparameters to optimize model performance.
The above is my perspective in ML and Thirukkural
Enjoy thirukkural from your perspective...😊😂🤣

Thursday 11 April 2024

CI for Given Mean and Variance

Confidence Intervals: Unveiling the Range of Plausible Values

In civil engineering, dealing with uncertainty is inevitable. Material properties, traffic flow, and even soil strength can vary. Confidence intervals help us quantify this uncertainty for two key statistical measures: mean and variance.

Confidence Interval for the Mean (µ)

Imagine you want to estimate the average compressive strength (MPa) of concrete cylinders produced by a batch plant. You take a random sample of n cylinders and calculate the sample mean (x̄). However, this might not perfectly reflect the entire batch's true mean (µ).

A confidence interval for the mean provides a range of values where µ is likely to lie, with a certain level of confidence (usually 1 - α, expressed as a percentage). It's like saying, "We're X% confident the true mean falls within this interval."

Here's the formula for a confidence interval for the mean, assuming a normally distributed population (often applicable in engineering):

µ ≈ x̄ ± (z_α/√n) * σ

  • x̄: Sample mean (calculated from your sample)
  • z_α: Critical value from the standard normal distribution table (based on chosen confidence level 1 - α)
  • σ: Population standard deviation (often estimated by sample standard deviation, s)
  • n: Sample size

Confidence Interval for the Variance (σ^2)

Similarly, you might be interested in the variability of concrete compressive strength within the batch. The population variance (σ^2) reflects this spread. However, you can only estimate it using the sample variance (s^2).

A confidence interval for the variance helps you pinpoint a range where σ^2 is likely to reside. Here's the formula for a chi-square distribution-based confidence interval (assuming a normal population):

(n - 1) * s^2 / χ²_(α/2, n-1)  < σ^2 <  (n - 1) * s^2 / χ²_(1 - α/2, n-1)

  • s^2: Sample variance (calculated from your sample)
  • χ²: Chi-square critical values from the chi-square distribution table (based on chosen confidence level 1 - α and degrees of freedom n - 1)
  • n: Sample size

Example: Confidence Interval for Compressive Strength

A civil engineer tests 10 (n = 10) concrete cylinders from a batch and finds a sample mean compressive strength (x̄) of 30 MPa and a sample standard deviation (s) of 2 MPa. Let's construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean compressive strength (α = 0.05).

  1. Find the critical value (z_α) for a 95% confidence level (1 - α = 0.95). Using a standard normal distribution table, z_α ≈ 1.96.
  2. Substitute the values: µ ≈ 30 ± (1.96 / √10) * 2 ≈ 30 ± 1.26 MPa.

Therefore, we can be 95% confident that the true mean compressive strength (µ) of the batch lies between 28.74 MPa and 31.26 MPa.


  • These are just examples. The specific formulas and critical values might differ depending on the underlying distribution and chosen confidence level.
  • Always consult relevant engineering codes and practices for appropriate statistical procedures in your field.

By understanding confidence intervals, you can make more informed decisions in civil engineering, accounting for the inherent variability in materials and processes.


Let's build on the previous example and find the confidence interval for the variance (σ^2) of the concrete compressive strength, assuming a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05).

We have the following information from the previous example:

  • Sample size (n) = 10
  • Sample variance (s^2) = 2 MPa^2

We need to find the chi-square critical values based on the chosen confidence level (1 - α = 0.95) and degrees of freedom (n - 1).

  1. Degrees of Freedom (df): df = n - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
  2. Chi-Square Critical Values:
    • Lower critical value (χ²_(α/2, df)): We need the value at α/2 = 0.05/2 = 0.025 with 9 degrees of freedom. You can find this using a chi-square distribution table or a statistical software package. Generally, chi-square tables provide values for the upper tail (1 - α). Look for the value in the table with 9 degrees of freedom such that the cumulative area to the right is 0.975 (1 - 0.025). This value is approximately χ²_(0.025, 9) ≈ 17.28.
    • Upper critical value (χ²_(1 - α/2, df)): This corresponds to 1 - α/2 = 1 - 0.025 = 0.975 with 9 degrees of freedom. Look for the value in the chi-square table with 9 degrees of freedom such that the cumulative area to the right is 0.025. This value is approximately χ²_(0.975, 9) ≈ 2.00.
  3. Confidence Interval Calculation:
    • Lower limit: (n - 1) * s^2 / χ²_(α/2, df) = (10 - 1) * 2 MPa^2 / 17.28 ≈ 1.16 MPa^2
    • Upper limit: (n - 1) * s^2 / χ²_(1 - α/2, df) = (10 - 1) * 2 MPa^2 / 2.00 ≈ 10.00 MPa^2

Therefore, based on the sample data and with 95% confidence, we can say that the true population variance (σ^2) of the concrete compressive strength likely falls between 1.16 MPa^2 and 10.00 MPa^2. This indicates that the individual concrete cylinders might have a variance in compressive strength ranging from roughly 1.1 MPa to 3.2 MPa (square root of the variance limits).

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