Thursday 30 June 2022

MongoDB - Introduction

 MongaDB Features

  • Full cloud-based application data platform.
  • Flexible document schemas.
  • Widely supported and code-native data access.
  • Change-friendly design.
  • Powerful querying and analytics.
  • Easy horizontal scale-out with sharding.
  • Simple installation.
  • Cost-effective.

Learning to use MongoDB

Step 1:

Download and install "PyMongo":

                pip install mongadb

Step 2:

                    import pymonga

step 3: list database names

                # import library
import pymongo
# creating a client
myc = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
# Just printing existing databases
print(myc.list_database_names()) # ['admin', 'config', 'db1', 'local']

Step 4: Create Collections

# import library
import pymongo
# creating a client
c = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
# Just printing existing databases
print(c.list_database_names()) # ['admin', 'config', 'db1', 'local']

# choose any demo db as db1
# create collection customers in db1
db = c['db1']
col = db["customers"]

# add Dict data
dict = { "name": "John", "address": "Highway 37" }
x = col.insert_one(dict)

#add Dict1 data
dict2 = { "name": "Peter", "address": "Lowstreet 27" }
y = col.insert_one(dict2)

['admin', 'config', 'db1', 'local']


To display with Object_ID

clist = db.list_collection_names()
if "customers" in clist:
print("The collection exists.")

for x in col.find():

['admin', 'config', 'local']
The collection exists.
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd58d899982b27053eb9cc'), 'name': 'John', 'address': 'Highway 37'}
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd58d899982b27053eb9cd'), 'name': 'Peter', 'address': 'Lowstreet 27'}

Before and After deleting 

# import library
import pymongo
# creating a client
c = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
db = c['db1']
col = db["customers"]
q1 = { 'address': 'Highway 37'}
q2 = { 'address': 'Highway 38'}
q3 = { 'address': 'Highway 39'}

print(10*'-', 'Insering 3 qs')

print(10*'-', 'Before Delete')
for x in col.find():

q4 = { 'address': 'Highway 39'}
print(10*'-', 'After Delete')
for x in col.find():
---------- Insering 3 qs
---------- Before Delete
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd5db330e379663c8851ce'), 'address': 'Highway 37'}
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd5db430e379663c8851cf'), 'address': 'Highway 38'}
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd5db430e379663c8851d0'), 'address': 'Highway 39'}
---------- After Delete
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd5db330e379663c8851ce'), 'address': 'Highway 37'}
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd5db430e379663c8851cf'), 'address': 'Highway 38'}

After deleting another Record

print('After Prinitng')

q5 = { 'address': 'Highway 37'}
for x in col.find():
After Prinitng
{'_id': ObjectId('62bd5f3cf32b68f5a744b5ab'), 'address': 'Highway 38'}\
Before and After dropping collections
import pymongo
# creating a client
c = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
db = c['db1']
col = db["customers"]

many = [
{ "_id": 1, "name": "AMET", "address": "ECR, Chennai"},
{ "_id": 2, "name": "ABS", "address": "Anna Nagar, Chennai"},
x = col.insert_many(many)

print('Before dropping')
for x in col.find():
print('After dropping')
for x in col.find():
Before dropping
{'_id': 1, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 2, 'name': 'ABS', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
After dropping


Sorting Collections

import pymongo

# creating a client
c = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
db = c['db1']
col = db["customers"]
many = [
{ "_id": 11, "name": "AMET", "address": "ECR, Chennai"},
{ "_id": 21, "name": "ABS", "address": "Anna Nagar, Chennai"},
x = col.insert_many(many)
print('Before Sorting')
for x in col.find():
doc = col.find().sort("name")

print('After Sorting')
for x in doc:

Before Sorting
{'_id': 11, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 21, 'name': 'ABS', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
After Sorting
{'_id': 21, 'name': 'ABS', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
{'_id': 11, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
Before and After Updating
import pymongo

# creating a client
c = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
db = c['db1']
col = db["customers"]
many = [
{ "_id": 11, "name": "AMET", "address": "ECR, Chennai"},
{ "_id": 21, "name": "ABS", "address": "Anna Nagar, Chennai"},
x = col.insert_many(many)
q6 = { "address": 'ECR, Chennai' }
newvalues = { "$set": { "address": "#123, East Coast Road, Chennai" } }
print('Before Updation')
for x in col.find():
col.update_one(q6, newvalues)
print("After Updation")
#print "customers" after the update:
for x in col.find():
Before Updation
{'_id': 11, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 21, 'name': 'ABS', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
After Updation
{'_id': 11, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': '#123, East Coast Road, Chennai'}
{'_id': 21, 'name': 'ABS', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
B4 and After Many Updating using regular expression

import pymongo

client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
db = client["mydatabase"]
col = db["customers"]

many = [
{ "_id": 10, "name": "AMET", "address": "ECR, Chennai"},
{ "_id": 12, "name": "ABS", "address": "Anna Nagar, Chennai"},
{ "_id": 13, "name": "ABS!@", "address": "ECR, Chennai"},
{ "_id": 14, "name": "Stanford", "address": "Anna Nagar, Chennai"},
x = col.insert_many(many)

print('Before Updation')
for x in col.find():

query = { "address": { "$regex": "^A" } }
newvalues = { "$set": { "name": "AMET Updated" } }
x = col.update_many(query, newvalues)
print(x.modified_count, "documents updated.")

print('After many Updation')
for x in col.find():
Before Updation
{'_id': 10, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 12, 'name': 'ABS', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
{'_id': 13, 'name': 'ABS!@', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 14, 'name': 'Stanford', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
2 documents updated.
After many Updation
{'_id': 10, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 12, 'name': 'AMET Updated', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
{'_id': 13, 'name': 'ABS!@', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 14, 'name': 'AMET Updated', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}
After using limit to display 
# limit parameter to limit two records
output = col.find().limit(2)
print('After setting Limit(2)')
for x in output:
After setting Limit(2)
{'_id': 10, 'name': 'AMET', 'address': 'ECR, Chennai'}
{'_id': 12, 'name': 'AMET Updated', 'address': 'Anna Nagar, Chennai'}

Bon Appetite and Happy MongoDB Coding....Learning!!!

Monday 27 June 2022

Recommendations System - Course for +2 Students

 Recommendation System using pandas and Sklearn

Student Dataset1.csv


Code snippet (Thanks to  Siddharth Sachdeva — August 25, 2021, Analytics Vidya)

#S1 importing necessary libraries.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv(
descriptions =data['gender'] +' '+ data['subject'] + ' ' + data['stream'] +' '+ data['marks'].apply(str)
#Printing the first description
# s3 similarity matrix
#import sklearn.TfidfVector
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel
def create_similarity_matrix(new_description, overall_descriptions):
# Define a tfidf [Term Frequency Inverse document frequency] vectorizer and remove all stopwords.
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english")
tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(overall_descriptions)
cosine_sim = linear_kernel(tfidf_matrix
return cosine_sim
#s5 Sim Matrix reco
def get_recommendations(new_description,overall_descriptions):

cosine_sim = create_similarity_matrix(new_description
sim_scores =
sim_scores =
sorted(sim_scores,key =lambda x:x[1],reverse= True )
sim_scores = sim_scores[
indices = [i[
0]for i in sim_scores]
return data.iloc[indices]
# s6 Recommendations
new_description = pd.Series('m physics science 78')
recommendation= get_recommendations(new_description
id gender stream subject marks course specialization 0 1 m science physics 78 btech civil 6 7 f commerce physics 56 bsc maths 4 5 m science chemistry 79 bsc biology

Simple not refined. But throw some light on basics of Recommendation System.

Sunday 26 June 2022

P#32 Reg expression

To find a pattern in a statement

match ='love', 'i love you all')

if match:
print('found love')
print('love Not found')

# found love
match ='love', 'i leave you all')

if match:
print('found love')
print('love Not found')

# love Not found

 ## . = any char but \n
match ='', 'i love you all') # found,

To match email

 to check up Google Account
str = 'hello I am so& so i have account'
match ='\w+@\w+', str)
if match:
print( #you@google

match ='[\w.-]+@[\w.-]+', str)
if match:
print( ## ''

To Validate IFSC code in banks

import re
def isValidIFSCode(str):
# Regex to check valid IFSC Code.
regex = "^[A-Z]{4}0[A-Z0-9]{6}$" # 4 Alphabets,0,
# Compile the ReGex
p = re.compile(regex)
# If the string is empty
# return false
if (str == None):
return False
# Return if the string
# matched the ReGex
if (, str)):
return True
return False
# Driver code
# Test Case 1:
str1 = "SBIN0125620"

# Test Case 2:
str2 = "SBIN0125"

# Test Case 3:
str3 = "1234SBIN012"

# Test Case 4:
str4 = "SBIN7125620"

# This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


Please Note:

# regex = "^[A-Z]{4}0[A-Z0-9]{6}$";
# Where:
# ^ represents the starting of the string.
# [A-Z]{4} represents the first four characters should be upper case alphabets.
# 0 represents the fifth character should be 0.
# [A-Z0-9]{6} represents the next six characters usually numeric, but can also be alphabetic.
# $ represents the ending of the string.

To test Pin Code

import re

def isValidPinCode(pinCode):
# Regex to check valid pin code
# of India.
regex = "^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{2}\\s{0,1}[0-9]{3}$";

# Compile the ReGex
p = re.compile(regex);

# If the pin code is empty
# return false
if (pinCode == ''):
return False;

# Pattern class contains matcher() method
# to find matching between given pin code
# and regular expression.
m = re.match(p, pinCode);

# Return True if the pin code
# matched the ReGex else False
if m is None:
return False
return True

# check Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Test case 1
num1 = "625001";
print(num1, ": ", isValidPinCode(num1));

# Test case 2:
num2 = "625 001";
print(num2, ": ", isValidPinCode(num2));

# Test case 3:
num3 = "0625 001";
print(num3, ": ", isValidPinCode(num3));

# Test case 4:
num4 = "6250001";
print(num4, ": ", isValidPinCode(num4));


625001 : True
625 001 : True
0625 001 : False
6250001 : False

To check PANCARD in India

# To Valiate pan Card

import re

def checkPanCard():
import re

def isValidPanCardNo(panCardNo):

# PAN Card number
regex = "[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}"

# Compile the ReGex
p = re.compile(regex)

# If the PAN Card number
# is empty return false
if(panCardNo == None):
return False

# Return if the PAN Card number
# matched the ReGex
if(, panCardNo) and
len(panCardNo) == 10):
return True
return False

# Driver Code.

# Test Case 1:
str1 = "AFGHA2318J"
print(isValidPanCardNo(str1),' ',str1)

# Test Case 2:
str2 = "23AFGHN18J"

# Test Case 3:
str3 = "AFGHA2318JM"

# Test Case 4:
str4 = "AFGHA23184"

# Test Case 5:
str5 = "AFGHA 23184"

True AFGHA2318J
False 23AFGHN18J
False AFGHA2318JM
False AFGHA23184
False AFGHA 23184

P#31 Magic Methods

 Magic or Dunder Methods

Methods having two prefix and suffix underscores in the method name. 

Dunder here means “Double Under (Underscores)”

Sample Method:

# declare our test string class
class Str:

# magic method to initiate object
def __init__(self, string):
self.string = string

# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# object creation
s1 = Str('Hello Python')

# print object location

To print __ methods of int


# Result

['__abs__', '__add__', '__and__', '__bool__', '__ceil__', '__class__',
'__delattr__', '__dir__', '__divmod__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__float__',
'__floor__', '__floordiv__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__',
'__getnewargs__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__index__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__',
'__int__', '__invert__', '__le__', '__lshift__', '__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__',
'__ne__', '__neg__', '__new__', '__or__', '__pos__', '__pow__', '__radd__', '__rand__',
'__rdivmod__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rlshift__',
'__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__ror__', '__round__', '__rpow__', '__rrshift__', '__rshift__', '__rsub__', '__rtruediv__',
'__rxor__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__sub__', '__subclasshook__', '__truediv__',
'__trunc__', '__xor__', 'as_integer_ratio', 'bit_length', 'conjugate', 'denominator', 'from_bytes', 'imag',
'numerator', 'real', 'to_bytes']

Important Magic Methods

The following tables list important magic methods in Python 3.

Initialization and ConstructionDescription
__new__(cls, other)To get called in an object's instantiation.
__init__(self, other)To get called by the __new__ method.
__del__(self)Destructor method.
Unary operators and functionsDescription
__pos__(self)To get called for unary positive e.g. +someobject.
__neg__(self)To get called for unary negative e.g. -someobject.
__abs__(self)To get called by built-in abs() function.
__invert__(self)To get called for inversion using the ~ operator.
__round__(self,n)To get called by built-in round() function.
__floor__(self)To get called by built-in math.floor() function.
__ceil__(self)To get called by built-in math.ceil() function.
__trunc__(self)To get called by built-in math.trunc() function.
Augmented AssignmentDescription
__iadd__(self, other)To get called on addition with assignment e.g. a +=b.
__isub__(self, other)To get called on subtraction with assignment e.g. a -=b.
__imul__(self, other)To get called on multiplication with assignment e.g. a *=b.
__ifloordiv__(self, other)To get called on integer division with assignment e.g. a //=b.
__idiv__(self, other)To get called on division with assignment e.g. a /=b.
__itruediv__(self, other)To get called on true division with assignment
__imod__(self, other)To get called on modulo with assignment e.g. a%=b.
__ipow__(self, other)To get called on exponentswith assignment e.g. a **=b.
__ilshift__(self, other)To get called on left bitwise shift with assignment e.g. a<<=b.
__irshift__(self, other)To get called on right bitwise shift with assignment e.g. a >>=b.
__iand__(self, other)To get called on bitwise AND with assignment e.g. a&=b.
__ior__(self, other)To get called on bitwise OR with assignment e.g. a|=b.
__ixor__(self, other)To get called on bitwise XOR with assignment e.g. a ^=b.
Type Conversion Magic MethodsDescription
__int__(self)To get called by built-int int() method to convert a type to an int.
__float__(self)To get called by built-int float() method to convert a type to float.
__complex__(self)To get called by built-int complex() method to convert a type to complex.
__oct__(self)To get called by built-int oct() method to convert a type to octal.
__hex__(self)To get called by built-int hex() method to convert a type to hexadecimal.
__index__(self)To get called on type conversion to an int when the object is used in a slice expression.
__trunc__(self)To get called from math.trunc() method.
String Magic MethodsDescription
__str__(self)To get called by built-int str() method to return a string representation of a type.
__repr__(self)To get called by built-int repr() method to return a machine readable representation of a type.
__unicode__(self)To get called by built-int unicode() method to return an unicode string of a type.
__format__(self, formatstr)To get called by built-int string.format() method to return a new style of string.
__hash__(self)To get called by built-int hash() method to return an integer.
__nonzero__(self)To get called by built-int bool() method to return True or False.
__dir__(self)To get called by built-int dir() method to return a list of attributes of a class.
__sizeof__(self)To get called by built-int sys.getsizeof() method to return the size of an object.
Attribute Magic MethodsDescription
__getattr__(self, name)Is called when the accessing attribute of a class that does not exist.
__setattr__(self, name, value)Is called when assigning a value to the attribute of a class.
__delattr__(self, name)Is called when deleting an attribute of a class.

Operator Magic MethodsDescription
__add__(self, other)To get called on add operation using + operator
__sub__(self, other)To get called on subtraction operation using - operator.
__mul__(self, other)To get called on multiplication operation using * operator.
__floordiv__(self, other)To get called on floor division operation using // operator.
__truediv__(self, other)To get called on division operation using / operator.
__mod__(self, other)To get called on modulo operation using % operator.
__pow__(self, other[, modulo])To get called on calculating the power using ** operator.
__lt__(self, other)To get called on comparison using < operator.
__le__(self, other)To get called on comparison using <= operator.
__eq__(self, other)To get called on comparison using == operator.
__ne__(self, other)To get called on comparison using != operator.
__ge__(self, other)To get called on comparison using >= operator.

Making Prompts for Profile Web Site

  Prompt: Can you create prompt to craft better draft in a given topic. Response: Sure! Could you please specify the topic for which you...